• Fluid layout
  • Integrated Flot charts:
    • Lines
    • Bars
    • Pies
  • Form elements:
    • Default text input fields with placeholder, autofocus, on hover tooltip, read only, disabled, with maximum length and predefined value.
    • Textarea with fixed height and autogrowing feature
    • Dropdown, select and tag lists style Bootstrap
    • Checkboxes and radio buttons
    • File uploader
    • WYSIWYG editor
    • Integrated validation
    • Label position versions
  • Interface elements:
    • Color styles for statistic buttons
    • Datepicker
    • Daterangepicker
    • Timepicker
    • Colorpisker
    • Breadcrumbs
    • Modal alert
    • Notification messages
  • 2 types dashboard
  • 3 types of widget styling
  • Statistic Widgets
  • More tables styling: dynamic table with search, pagination and sorting; usual static table; table, integrated into tabs; table with button-bar; table with columns filter...
  • Calendar with schedule
  • Remember list
  • User list
  • Fontello, Awesome font icons
  • 3300+ icons

In downloaded package you'll find "HTML" folder, which contains main theme files: HTML files, Jquery plugins and libraries, images, CSS files:

                ├── _bootstrap/
                └── assets/
                │   ├── css/
                │   │   ├── lib/
                │   │   │   ├── bootstrap.css
                │   │   │   └── bootstrap-responsive.css
                │   │   ├── boo.css
                │   │   ├── boo-coloring.css
                │   │   ├── boo-ension.css (change name)
                │   │   ├── boo-utility.css.css
                │   │   ├── icon-fugue.css
                │   │   ├── icon-fugue.min.css
                │   │   └── style.css
                │   ├── data/
                │   │   └── source for data 
                │   ├── fonts/
                │   │   ├── awesome/
                │   │   │   └── font icon
                │   │   └── fontello/
                │   │   │   └── font icon
                │   ├── ico/
                │   │   └── icon for device
                │   ├── img/
                │   │   ├── background/
                │   │   │   └── background .img
                │   │   ├── demo/
                │   │   │   └── demo .img
                │   │   ├── icon/
                │   │   │   ├── arrows/
                │   │   │   │   └── arrows .img
                │   │   │   └── fugue-icon/
                │   │   │       └── icons
                │   │   ├── loader/
                │   │   │   └── loaders image
                │   │   ├── table/
                │   │   │   └── image for datatable
                │   ├── js/
                │   │   ├── demo/
                │   │   │   ├── demo-bootstrap-progressbar.js
                │   │   │   ├── demo-dashboard1.js
                │   │   │   ├── demo-dashboard2.js
                │   │   │   ├── demo-form.js
                │   │   │   ├── demo-fullcalendar.js
                │   │   │   ├── demo-jquery.dataTables.js
                │   │   │   ├── demo-list.js
                │   │   │   ├── demo-modal.js
                │   │   │   ├── demo-statistic-flot.js
                │   │   │   ├── demo-statistic-sparkline.js
                │   │   │   └── demo-wisyhtml5.js
                │   │   ├── lib/
                │   │   │	├── bootstrap/ (new folder)
                │   │   │	│   └── bootstrap framework js
                │   │   │   ├── jquery.cookie.js
                │   │   │   ├── jquery.js
                │   │   │   ├── jquery.date.min.js
                │   │   │   ├── jquery.load-image.min.js
                │   │   │   ├── jquery.mousewheel.js
                │   │   │   └── jquery-ui.js
                │   │   └── application.js (free)
                │   │   └── core.js (separate app)
                │   ├── plugins/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-bootbox/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-colorpicker/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-datepicker/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-daterangepicker/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-datetimepicker/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-fileupload/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-fuelux/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-image-gallery/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-modal/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-multiselect/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-progressbar/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-rowlink/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-select/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-timepicker/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-tiggle-button/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-wizard/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-wizard-2/
                │   │   ├── bootstrap-wysihtml5/
                │   │   ├── pl-component/
                │   │	│	├── fullcalendar/
                │   │   │   └── rangeslider/
                │   │   ├── pl-content/
                │   │	│	├── jpages/
                │   │   │   └── list/
                │   │   ├── pl-editors/
                │   │   ├── pl-extension/
                │   │   │   └── google-code-prettify/
                │   │   ├── pl-file/
                │   │   │   └── file-upload.js
                │   │   ├── pl-form/
                │	│	│	├── counter/
                │	│	│	├── duallistbox/
                │	│	│	├── elastic/
                │	│	│	├── inputmask/
                │	│	│	├── select2/
                │	│	│	├── uniform/
                │   │   │   └── validate/
                │   │   ├── pl-gallery/
                │	│	│	├── load-image/
                │	│	│	├── nailthumb/
                │   │   │   └── wookmark/
                │   │   ├── pl-system/
                │	│	│	├── cookie/
                │	│	│	├── datejs/
                │	│	│	├── mousewheel/
                │	│	│	├── nicescroll/
                │	│	│	├── selectivizr/
                │   │   │   └── xbreadcrumbs/
                │   │   ├── pl-system-info/
                │	│	│	├── gritter/
                │	│	│	├── notyfy/
                │   │   │   └── qtip2/
                │   │   ├── pl-table/
                │   │   │   └── datatable/
                │   │   ├── pl-visualization/
                │	│	│	├── easy-pie-chart/
                │	│	│	├── flot/
                │	│	│	├── knob/
                │	│	│	├── nicescroll/
                │	│	│	├── percentageloader/
                │   │   │   └── sparkline/
                └── docs/
                └── upload/

In total there are 27 main theme .html files:

  1. dashboard-one.html.html - example dashboard page
  2. dashboard-two.html.html - example dashboard page
  3. component-file-upload.html - Bootstrap fileupload plugin
  4. component-form-demo.html - example form (user form and Article form)
  5. component-form-element.html - page with form elements, styles and features
  6. component-form-extension.html - extension plugin for forms
  7. component-form-wizard.html - form wizard - bootstrap plugin
  8. component-fullcalendar.html - Calendar style
  9. component-fullcalendar-demo.html - Calendar demo
  10. component-gallery.html - Gallery - thumbnail style
  11. component-gallery-grid.html - Gallery - grid for thumbnail
  12. component-gallery-01.html - Gallery - demo Wookmark
  13. component-gallery-02.html - Gallery - demo filter and generate thumbnail
  14. component-gallery-03.html - Gallery - demo jpage
  15. component-gallery-04.html - Gallery - demo jpage
  16. component-rangeslider - Rangeslider bootstrap style
  17. component-table.html - Base table Bootstrap (Table and Wraped table)
  18. component-table-boo.html - Table style to Boo Admin (Table and Wraped table)
  19. component-table-datatable.html - Dynamics table
  20. statistic-flot.html - Demo page for Graph
  21. statistic-sparkline.html - Demo page mini chart
  22. statistic-circle.html - Demo page circle dial/charts
  23. component-widget-style.html - Build combinations and styles for widgets
  24. component-widget-custom.html - Demonstration kits of widgets
  25. component-widgets-post.html - Example widget
  26. component-widgets-remember.html - Example widget
  27. component-widgets-users.html - Example widget
  28. elements-notification.html - System info
  29. elements-button.html - Style Bootstrap button for Boo
  30. elements-icon-font.html - Glyphs icon font page
  31. elements-icon-fugue-demo.html - Big Fugue Icon set Demo
  32. elements-icon-fugue-full.html - View full sets Fugue for selection
  33. elements-wells.html - Sytles Bootstrap wells - Boo uses it a lot
  34. elements-tabs.html - Installed by Advanced tabs
  35. elements-modals.html - Demo for modals and extension
  36. elements-progressbar.html - Demo for progressbar and extension
  37. index.html - Login page
  38. login-01.html - Demo for login page
  39. login-02.html - Demo for login page
  40. login-03.html - Demo for login page info
  41. tmp-layout.html - With Template
  42. tmp-layout-base.html - With Template
  43. tmp-layout-base-content-only.html - With Template
  44. tmp-layout-content-only.html - With Template
  45. tmp-layout-navbar.html - With Template
  46. tmp-layout-navbar-tabs.html - With Template
  47. tmp-layout-tabs.html - With Template

Boo comes equipped with HTML, CSS, and JS for all sorts of things. It uses the great bootstrap as a base. Refer to the Bootstrap documentation.

List of components

You can use all the components that Bootstrap offers this and other bonuses added to Boo. Please note that this is a starter version. We will try to locate the maximum Boo.

Together, the Components and JavaScript plugins sections provide the following interface elements:

  • Button groups
  • Button dropdowns
  • Navigational tabs, pills, and lists
  • Navbar
  • Labels
  • Badges
  • Page headers and hero unit
  • Thumbnails
  • Alerts
  • Progress bars
  • Modals
  • Dropdowns
  • Tooltips
  • Popovers
  • Accordion
  • Carousel
  • Typeahead
  • Gallery

With a brief intro into the contents out of the way, we can focus on putting Boo to use. To do that, we'll utilize a basic HTML template that includes everything we mentioned in the File structure.

All these html files have certain html blocks in their source code. All the html blocks are clearly commented out and should be easy to spot. Each HTML file contains navigation sidebar. The main structure of a typical page would be:

<div class="page-container">
    <div id="header-container">
        <div id="header">
            <div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top"> ... </div>
            <div class="header-drawer"> ... </div>
    <!-- // header-container -->
    <div id="main-container">
        <div id="main-sidebar" class="sidebar sidebar-inverse"> ... </div>
        <!-- // sidebar -->
        <div id="main-content" class="main-content container-fluid"> ... </div>
        <!-- // main-content --> 
    <!-- // main-container  -->
    <footer id="footer-fix"> ... </footer>
<!-- // page-container  --> 

Use blank templates for your code placed in your folder template


With those two files added, you can begin to develop site or application with Boo.

I included .psd files in to directories source/PSD:

  • arows-table.psd
  • body-bg-02.psd
  • boo-index.psd
  • boo-logo.psd
  • element.psd
  • select2.psd
  • temple-boo.psd

update to 1.3.0 will include more psd